Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Meaning of Life or a Life With Meaning

I have a real problem with people who think they know the meaning of life.  Most of these people fall into the ignorant category, but then you also find those in the totally in it for myself category.

So what is the meaning of life? I don’t really know, but if I were to guess it would actually be beyond what the Dali Lama said when asked that question (he said “Happiness”), I would guess that the meaning of life it to find meaning in your life.  Maybe , that’s why some babies die young, the meaning in their lives already established and why some people out live the rest of us, because they have lost it. I don’t know. But I do know the meaning of life is not about getting as much as you can and holding on to it.  Nor is it to be lead like a bull with a ring through your nose through life, living by someone else’s requirements and rules, doing what they think you should do to bring meaning to your life.

Well, now we have eliminated the truly greedy and the truly domineering.  Let’s get to the ignorant and unaware.  I probably fall into that category as much as anyone else.  It’s not that I’m ignorant, but I have been accused of not being completely in the moment and aware of what’s going on around me.  And I admit, I am more of an optimist than a realist sometimes and want things to go well even when they aren’t.  For instance, I still think Obama is ten times the man and 10 times the President that his predecessor was.  I think as far as what is beneficial to our nation, he has gone way beyond in two years anything that Dubya did in eight.  I also would hope and believe that American people in general are not so stupid or foolish as to believe even half of what the Glenn Becks and Rush Limbaughs are putting out. But I don’t have any real data on that, and I don’t think they do either. 

I do know that since Limbaugh took to the airwaves that the rightwing attacks on the left have been more vitriolic and generally nastier than ever before.  And perhaps that’s natural, given the fact that conservative thinking tends to harden the thinking arteries and conservatives have a hard time grasping any but their own ideas.  So it also isn’t surprising that when the fringe right grabs the reins of the GOP that compromise in getting anything done in the Senate becomes a bad or a non-word.  I’m sorry, Bitch McConnell, but compromise does not mean that you get your way or no one gets anything.  I’m sorry John Boehner, working for the American people does not mean putting up the tired and failed ideas of the neo-conservatives, the same people who may have read the Constitution, but certainly didn’t understand what they read.  Maybe if their conservative forefathers had put a little more money into the schools that might not have happened… oh, wait, most of you brainless nut cakes went to private schools.  Guess, that’s another #fail for privatization!

Anyway, back to the meaning of life.  If you are just in it for yourself and have no idea of the glory that working with and for others has, you have no meaning to your life.  If you cannot see things through another’s eyes, or walk in their shoes, you’ve missed it.  They say that the good die young and the old die old.  Perhaps hell is living without any meaning to your life.  If there is reincarnation (and BTW Bible thumpers, there’s nothing in the Bible that says there can’t be!) then maybe the real hell is having to do it over and over again until you do find meaning for your life or in that case lives. 

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