Wednesday, October 13, 2010

So the SCOTUS Sell Out Is Showing the Results of Bad Law

Today was a day of rest for me.  I have been getting things ready to retile the bathroom and extend the tiles into the dressing area.  All in all about 73 square feet of flooring. Not a very large job, but at my age and the fact that all the materials have to be lugged up a flight of stairs it can get to you physically.  So I took the day off, mostly but since I can’t play WOW right now (huge download patch!) I decided I would yammer at you awhile.

Right now we are in a crisis in this country.  The crisis is that the US Supreme Court decided that corporations can essentially buy elections through unlimited donations to parties, individuals and political action groups to promote causes and candidates that will benefit them.  While this is not too terrible on the surface, it allows these money machines, whose sole reason for existence is to make more money to influence the politics of the people.  I’m sorry, SCOTUS, especially the corporatist among you, you know who you are, but corporations are not people.  They are organizations who have only limited responsibilities to society as a whole and who exist to make money for their share holders and owners.  So after reversing decades of law and precedence, which several of you said you wouldn’t do in your confirmation hearings, Mr. Roberts, we now have non-person entities with inertia toward self promotion without any need to participate in the society of our country buying influence and putting on pressure on political candidates in order to promote self-interest.

Big Oil?  Buy a law that allows you to pollute the Gulf without consequence… it’s cheaper than having to clean things up or prevent them in the first place.  Ecoli in the food? – Hey, it’s not my kid that got sick eating the hamburger meat, I’m a corporation I don’t have any children, and even if I did, money and the making of same comes first!  New drugs invented? – I need to get it to market as fast as possible before the users start to experience the side effects we covered up. Let’s see who we can buy.

Yeah, we are in trouble and you know, Justice Kennedy, with all your head shaking at the State of the Union Speech, you know that this is happening NOW!  Look where the political ads are being aimed at and who is paying for them. Look at the referendums and initiatives and you can see that the minute you sold your soul to big business, big business started it’s campaign to suck the wealth out of this nation once and for all.  Is Treason too strong a word for what you have done?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Boehner Wants to Return Integrity to the House? !!!

Yes, and the best way to do that is to get rid of as many Republican members as possible in the next election.  Especially, Mr. Boehner.  John of Orange, Agent Orange, or whatever you want to call him says that the integrity of the House has been compromised.  But what he doesn’t tell you is that the people who are compromising it are the Republicans.  The House and Senate have had many votes on many issues that have impact on the people of this country and where were the Republicans? They certainly were not in work mode.  They didn’t have to be… all the work they did was keep a list of Democratic proposals and then vote NO on all of them.

Integrity for the House? You betcha! Let’s get the “Just say NO to everything!” people out of it and let the people who actually have some new ideas, plans and programs get to work.  Vote Democratic because if you don’t, you’ll have two years more of Republicans just saying NO to everything.