Monday, September 13, 2010

I'm Tired and I'm Not Going to Take It Any More!

I am tired of the greedy, the insensitive and the completely self-centered people who seem to have invaded the world lately. Most of them are conservatives.  May of them are fools and work against their own best interests believing they will hit the lottery some day and become rich so that they aren’t willing to make corporations pay a fair share of the tax burden.  They listen to people Newt Gingrich whose only agenda is keeping Newty in the public eye.  He has no political standing in his own party, so he’s down to just being a noisy irritant for the rest of us.  Newt, STFU! You had your Political apex, screwed up and are now passé. Dude, get a clue and go hide under your rock again.

It’s interesting how I start off ranting about fools and conservatives and always seem to come around to the Newster. Ah well.  Anyway, as I started to say, I’m tired of the greedy and insensitive.  What I’m looking for is for corporations, now looked upon as people per the Supreme Court to step up and accept some of the blame for the crap that is going on now.  Corporations are money machines with only one reason to exist… to make money.  But what if there were a kinder, gentler corporation? One that understood that just making its stock holders richer is not enough.  That they are indeed part of this society that we call America.  That despite the corporate purpose of making as much money as fast as possible, that they are indeed responsible to the society within which they operate.  Responsible for paying taxes, for instance.  At least paying the taxes that they owe and not pushing for breaks, exceptions and loopholes.  Might they actually recognize that without the people working there is no market for their services and products?  Might they understand that when they put all their money into the pockets of the executives and little into the pockets of their other employees that there is no trickle down, only hoarding and spending on things for the purpose of spending.  Perhaps with the minimum wage we should go back to the 50’s when there essentially was a maximum wage and earnings on anything over $3 MM per year were taxed at such a high rate that most senior execs knew that it was to their benefit to keep their personal incomes limited.  All of which freed money for the corporations to hire workers, invest in technology and research and drive a thriving economy. The Trickle Down theorists have been proven wrong for some time now. Perhaps is time to try the bubble up theory, where you invest more in those who earn the least and who are most likely to spend the money, thus fueling the economy.  Maybe it’s time for those who have plenty to figure out that they have enough and allow the money they are hoarding to work for everyone.  When only the rich get richer you wind up with feudalism and monopolies, not democracy and capitalistic health.

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