Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Is There a Party There?

I have to wonder if the GOP is still actually a viable party?  The fringe radicals on the right own the party now, and any moderates who still think of themselves as Republican should be rethinking that label. This is not a party of equals. If you are a moderate who actually wants to work in elected office to improve the American way of life for your constituents, this isn’t your party.  The leadership of the GOP is made up of a bunch of whiney babies who never learned to share their toys, never learned that when their playmates decided on what game to play, that all saying no would get them would be ejection from the game. Any moderates left in the Grand Old Elephant are out shouted and have to duck and hide, lest they be found out as not toeing the radical line of appeasing the corporate interests, paying back the rich and fooling the ignorant poor upon whom that faction of conservatives feeds.  I try to think the best of most people and I even understand that not everyone is brave enough to face down a howling mob, but come on true Republicans, Grow a Pair!  Tell these idiots calling for the denial of one group’s First Amendment Rights that if they do that, they threaten their own rights.  Tell them that NO, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are not the face of conservatism, nor of your party.  Tell them that they need to crawl back under the rocks that they left so that real people, people who understand that we have to work together and not just at odds all the time; real American patriots understand that cooperation and compromise are tools to use to benefit your real bosses, the people of this nation.  Stop pandering to these idiots and fools and racists and secessionists and ranting blathering corporate apologists who can’t imagine making some criminal organizations who call themselves businesses do what they should do so they don’t threaten our coast lines and our lives.  Grow a Pair because and retake your party. If you don’t the GOP will never be grand again and will become irrelevant and the sounding board of the do-nothing, know-nothing crowd. Like the mugwups long gone and forgotten except for their name, the GOP will only be remembered for the elephant and mostly because of what that elephant left behind.

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