Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ranting or Raving, Which is Which and Why do I Care?

I don’t really care all that much. I like to rant and at times I prefer to rave.  Ranting is something with anger behind it and raving , to me at least, seems more like getting carried away by what you are doing.

So I will try not to rant too much, and when I rave, I will try to make it as intelligible and fun as possible.

Talking with some friends today, we have decided that when you mix the tea party with the GOP House leadership you get Orange Pekoe.  Yes that is a reference the Hon. John Boehner’s skin color. But since it isn’t an accident of birth and parentage, it’s not racially motivated.  It’s really just motivated by the odd color.  I see on a friend’s Face Book page that they are going off the wall over the “Biggest Tax Increase in American History” article that the Americans for Tax Reform put on their website. 

It’s the knee-jerk reaction that they want when they talk about reversing the tax breaks for the rich from the Bush era.  They want us to believe that these reversions will have a disastrous effect on us. No, calm down, these changes only affect the top 1% of income earners in America, mostly the same CEO’s you have been screaming about getting enormous bonuses for doing practically nothing.  The guys whose income is astronomically more than yours or probably anyone you even know well. With the whole 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon thing, it may be that you know someone who knows someone who knows someone in the top 1%.  Anyway, the odds of it affecting you are minimal, and if it does affect you, then you damn well can afford it!  And, think of all the government services that you use, directly or indirectly to make that enormous income, and it IS about paying your FAIR share.  Greed is bad, people, no matter what Michael Douglas said in that movie.

What is absolutely amazing to me is that the Orange Pekoes can sit around talk about the reversion of the Bush tax breaks as being bad for job growth with a straight face.  Boehner could tell us on Meet the Press how he was going to pay for keeping those breaks when it would bring in needed revenue for programs already on the books and reduce the deficit.  He must have been blushing, but we couldn’t tell, what with the orange color he has from using that sunless tanning stuff.  Beyond that, they want us to believe that letting the rich keep more of their money will stimulate job growth.  Let’s see, the rich have had this tax break for 10 years now, one of the reasons it has to be renewed, we just lost lots of jobs, and are only slowly beginning to see some new jobs being created. In the words of America’s cheerleader, “Yeah, how’s that been working out for you, John?”    

Oh wait, I remember! Reaganomics, trickle down and the “Ronnie the Wizard –  give all your money to the rich magic!” Presto change-O! Jobs are suddenly created!  I knew there was a reason to wake up this morning!  And while you are at it, put all your gold into this mailing bag and I promise to pay what I think it is worth when I melt it down.  Didn’t Bernie Made-off make similar promises? Do we ever learn, or do they just think we are that stupid?

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