Thursday, August 26, 2010

Of Glen Beck, Propaganda and Who Really is Your Friend

I cannot afford to be on the Mall on Saturday for Glenn Becks “Look at me!” show.  I do not regret that I cannot be there, except that I can send him a message by being there and refusing to face him or the others on his agenda.  I wish I could go and organize enough people to just simply turn their backs on him and Sarah Palin and anyone else who is planning to speak.

Why? Well, Beck’s not doing this because he wants to help you or make your life better or to save the nation or any other altruistic, no matter how perverted, reason. He’s doing it because he can and it feeds his ego.  It also supports the forces who support him. But those are not the average person in theis country, no matter what their politics. It is the large corporations whose only goal is to make more money and to accumulate even more money.  Glenn Beck claims to be a Christian, but he’s sold his soul to big business who don’t want to follow any rules and to cut corners so that their profit margins can be higher and higher yet again.  Glenn Beck could even be seen as the anti-Christ, if you believe in that. His tactics, twisting thoughts and ideals to make a radical proposal sound sane, when it is indeed perverse.  He hides behind what he calls the “Truth” but fails to recognize that his “Truth” leaves no room for people who do not agree of kowtow to his rhetoric.  Glenn Beck is not your friend, nor mine, nor anyone’s, except Glenn Beck’s. 

Take some time to look at what you are listening to, whether from the left or the right.  Propaganda fills the airways and it is your job as a clear thinking, patriotic American to sift through the noise and find the kernel of truth that resides there.  I don’t really care if you believe me, or believe anything I say, but please do take the effort to investigate for yourself what is being said and by whom!  Don’t run off shouting that the Sky is Falling, just because some person or organization proclaims it when it is in their best interest to do so.  Don’t be lazy and not think things through. Make the effort.  And if you honestly come to a different conclusion than I do or someone else, that’s OK.  That’s what makes a horse race!  Just don’t let the liars get away with their lies, nor allow them to lie about their lying and then lie again about lying about their lying.

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