Sunday, August 8, 2010

Republican Magic?

watching John Boenher on Meet the Press today, I was struck by the thought that when he talked about tax cuts and balancing the budget in the same sentence, what he was really saying was that Ronald Reagan was a wizard and that his economic policies were magic.  That by cutting taxes now, we could balance the budget, even though we would not have enough tax monies coming in to do so. It's just a matter of faith with Republicans, at least with their leadership, apparently. Either that, or they are lying and have other motives in mind, like keeping the top 1% of earners from paying a fair tax rate and getting off the backs of the rest of us, maybe?

It's the same kind of BS screen they threw up around BP and the oil leaking in the Gulf....  How dare we expect a perfectly respectable company to pay for cleaning up the mess they cause.  Why that's down right UnAmerican!  Why it's socialism, is what it is!  Well their position is at least... corporate socialism, anyway.  BTW, BP is NOT a perfectly respectable company. In fact it has a criminal record.  Most of the same people who were defending BP wouldn't pass the time of day with a real person whose past was as spotty as BP's.

Oh, well. No one ever expected the GOP leadership to make sense.  They spent the last Administration proving they were bereft of ideas, clear thinking and even any understanding of American history or the Constitution.

End of Rant

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