Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Are They Human?

As Mitch McConnell (Bitchie to his friends) and Rush Limbaugh (the big Paw to his) continue to question his birth and his religion, thinking people have to question those two as being part of the human race. Certainly from appearance alone, it would not be possible to tell if either of these two Right Wing Nut icons are human.  Has anyone seen them eat or breathe?  I have seen Rush spouting plumes of smoke which make me think he is probably related to a dragon, but Mitch Mc Cee seems more inclined to flicking his tongue out at flies.  So I have to ask, Gentle, uh, ,men?  Papers Please!

As the GOP moves more and more toward the radical right, where are is the center going? According to the Republican Brain Trust, they are the center, but I find that hard to believe.  Centrist have the ability to decide things for themselves and often will lean liberal on one issue and more conservative on another. I haven’t seen that from the GOP since Romney’s dad. So is it in fact that the GOP is verging right and leaving many of it moderate followers behind or is it radicalizing them and turning them into marching conservative zombies?  I have found that friends who I have known for some time and tend to central or even slightly conservative have dropped out of the GOP, abandoning it to the fringe crazies and are looking for somewhere to land.  I say, come to the Democrats and lean to the left. We have COOKIES!

Admittedly the left has its fringe crazies too. But that’s really one of the biggest differences between what is now the left and what has become of the right.  We on the left have the ability to recognize and admit that there are people who are out there among us and that not all of us think like they do.  So far from the right all I see is a mad scramble to out crazy the craziest of the right wingers.  Oh, we don’t have a total paramilitary movement on the right yet. That would really be out there, but we do have the ignorant proposing the ridiculous to the spineless who go along with it because they want to get re-elected.

OMG! Glenn Beck is a Mormon!  A Mormon! OMG!  That’s the weird group that believed in polygamy and some weird angel who came down and rewrote the Bible and wore beards and funny hats and moved to some great salty lake in the middle of the desert and had to beat off locusts because, as Pat Robertson would say, God was angry!  He may call himself a Christian, but he can’t be any kind of Christian that any good Christian would recognize, like say Jimmy Swaggart or Pat Robertson or any of those holy dudes (tongue firmly in cheek).  Actually I think he belongs to the Church of Hypocrisy.

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