Monday, August 23, 2010

Let the Leaves Fall Where They May

I decided that this blog can be angry or it can be funny; or it can be angry funny; or it can be funny with a little anger mixed in.  I guess I go with funny with some anger thrown in.  If I were angry all the time, I would tear my leaves off and then you’d have a bald Bonsai…. only good with cypresses.

So let’s start:
There has been a lot of talk about the left doing the same thing that right is doing now and start throwing out exaggerations, what I call miss-truths and out-and –out lies.  But I don’t think so. I don’t want us to stoop to the level of the right.  We call them on their BS and shout it out when they tell things in ways that are not quite correct. But let’s not use lies to make our point.  We are better than that!  BTW, I hear that Brush my Limpaw has a secret room in his cellar where he performs blood rituals involving live chickens and dead pigs.

Back to the NYC Mosque issue…  This is a completely fabricated issue by the right wing nuts and complete BS.  Absolutely it’s a 1st Amendment issue, the City of New York and the various commissions involved have already approved the project and the fact of the matter is that the project is a good two blocks away from “ground zero” or the continual pit where the twin towers were.  There’s not a lot of backlash from the locals about this and most of the people who actually live in the area are pleased to see someone who wants to build in the area rather than leave. What this is really about is a way for the idiot right to try and hang the “Obama is a Muslim” sign on the President so that their uninformed base and other ignorant fools will think that’s a true and a bad thing - like the woman who told McCain “You know he’s an Arab!”  This is all an attempt by the idiot right to scare grandma and make out like Obama’s not a “real” American.  It’s so much BS that Bitch McCee couldn’t even be honest enough to call it BS when asked about it.  Instead his chinless response was that he guessed he believed the President when he said he was a Christian.  Who the F Cares?  One: what religion a person is should make no difference in your decision to vote for them, unless they are proposing to inflict that religion on you! Two: this is the same BS that the birthers keep trying to get people involved in when they keep claiming that Obama’s not a natural citizen.  Three: shame on any of you who think he’s a Muslim.  Where the F have you been the last 3 years anyway? In a hole in the Utah desert?  Sheesh, first the right is upset because he attended a church where the pastor was a black activist, now they want you to believe he’s Muslim. Shame on your for falling for that crap!  And Bitch, at least McCee had the gonads to tell that woman she was absolutely wrong, that Obama was not an Arab and that he was an American.  Grow a couple, Bitch! And then grow a chin!

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