I’m Mad as Hell …..
And it’s not with the current administration, although there have been some things I would change. No, it’s with the obstructionist, unthinking, harmful and completely false tactics of the Republican Party. It might not be so bad if Republican congress people weren’t so afraid of their Tea Party shadows to do what’s right. But they are and they don’t. So rather than be reasonable, work with the Democrats and actually try to get some work done, they play 2 year old child and say no to everything.
Let’s see, No to having BP Execs testify under oath? WTF? Are you saying that unequivocally that you are taking payola from these guys and so will not allow anyone to actually investigate their actions that led up to the oil leak in the Gulf. Hmmm, and you want us to believe you have the people’s best interest in mind. No way, GOP! We are not that stupid!
Block Vote no on taking away the tax break business gets for off-shoring jobs? WTF happened to your concern that Obama’s strategy was not creating jobs fast enough? But it’s OK to give tax breaks to companies to send jobs overseas? Are you all the same kind of people as Carly Fiorena and have no idea that just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. There is this thing about living and earning your living in this country and supporting the economy of this country and seeing that the people of this country get first shake rather than making more of the almighty dollar. But hey, you probably were raised with the idea that greed is good. News for you! It’s not!
Then there’s your pledge to American… If you are elected to the majority, you won’t do anything different than what you did to get us all in this mess in the first place? Again, WTF? You screwed up, drove us into a ditch, let the Democrats back us out and now you want to drive again. I think not!
GOP economics have been tearing our economy apart ever since Reagan. The previous administrations actions accelerated that process and now the GOP Leadership wants your vote so they can continue to destroy us? You had better think not too and vote for anyone except the Republican Candidate.
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