What really angers me about this Republican surge is that this is the party that couldn’t be bothered to participate when invited to by the President and the Democrats in Congress. Why would the American people put up with this and then vote for these bastards? Ever?
We need to reform Wall Street so that the same things that got us into this mess don’t happen again.
“Hell no!” – John Boehner, presumptive Speaker of the House.
We need to get Healthcare programs that serve all the people of the country.
“No! No! No!” - Sarah Palin, Failed Governor of Alaska (I can call her a failure since she quit before her term was up).
We need to regulate the drilling for oil along our coasts and make sure that the businesses doing the drilling are doing it safely and correctly.
“No! America doesn’t want more regulations on Business!” – Boehner again…. Say What?
We need to extend unemployment because people are not finding new jobs.
“No!” – Jim Demint, Senator…. I think he tried to hold his breath to keep it from happening.
A myriad of issues, a myriad of proposals but no discussion from these guys; no suggestions. Just NO!
And you voted for these guys?